Let’s play/stream posts are not allowed.

News and trailers from official sources are exempt from this rule.Also, you need to have 9 worthwhile comments on other users' threads for every promotional post and limit yourself to 1 per 7 days. We only allow promoting content (yours or someone else’s) if you have been actively participating in the last 2 months.( Hover your mouse over a rule to read the full description) Rule 1. If your post disappears, please contact the moderators in modmail to see if it got caught in the spam filter or for other questions or concerns. Reposts will also be removed or consolidated together to avoid cluttering, in most cases. Rules Clarification Page - This page has a thorough write up of each of our subreddit's rules with explanations and more to keep in mind. Without some BC options for PSP/PSV/PS3 there just leaving money on the table, not even just physical discs but an opportunity to continue selling software to customers and benefiting publishers who have another storefront for old content, not every game from the PS3 demands a remaster.Choose your flair by clicking the "edit" button directly above! next to your name.Ī subreddit for the Japanese-style RPGs Genre, past and present, centered around the discussion of JRPGs. There is a hint of laughing all the way to the bank in the last few years at Sony when those fat profits and dividends should have gone in to securing some nice to haves. Sony doesn't have the same incentive I feel to reinvest there profits in to improving there network infrastructure. I genuinely hope they massively improved the PS4 network infrastructure like has been hinted and suggested by staff, leakers etc. Sony really need to pull there finger out for this, there communication on this has been awful, the grace period window pathetic, and there general approach to sunsetting on all this software raises big questions. I wonder if theres been a noticeable uptick in revenue and user enagagment with these platforms? I just spent 45 bloody quid on Gundam Reborn after my physical copy stopped working last year.